2d design photos update / by Nathan Feller

about a week ago i finished editing the photos i shot of 2d designs' final projects. these are just a selected few of everything that i did end up photographing. i shot quite a few photographs of each persons' work and sent them copies so that they can share how they like. many will be happy to use these for self promotion or for applications for college transfers.

as i mentioned in detail in the previous post, this was intense and there was a lot involved with getting the project finished like each student had envisioned. as you can see, the many steps and hard work involved really paid off. 

mobile device users will notice that when you select a photo, there is a tiny white dot to the lower right of the screen. when you click on the dot the description will pop up. you can continue to swipe between the photos with the description. if you want to disable the description just touch the dot again.


permission was given by the students to photograph and share these images.