student work: 2d final projects / by Nathan Feller

well, i've got most of my 2d design final projects photographed. for today i'll be showing the work via shots from my phone until i can properly edit the ones i shot in RAW (lots of photos to go through). sorry these are not the best, but i'll post the really good ones once i get them edited. 

the class worked hard and learned a lot with this project. the idea for their final project was to create something that was to promote themselves as an artist or something that they made up for an imaginary company. the process started with thumbnail sketches, research, and finding ephemera for inspiration. then the students created a variety of mockups to see if their idea would actually work, and to work out any problems before committing to the final phase (the actual product). i focused heavily on bookforms with my students, but it was not necessary to go that route. i use the bookforms as a starting point because they can incorporate both 2d and 3d aspects in a single project.      

i created this assignment to give students a chance to create something in class that was more them and less of something that was 'an assignment' by following 'this' or 'that'. i wanted them to be feel free with want they wanted to do and allow them to explore and learn new ways of thinking. i also designed this as a way for students to stand out and create something unique. this will give them an opportunity to have something exceptional to include when they submit their portfolios when applying to other colleges. it's also a great way for them to show off on their favorite social media sites -something they are proud of and want to share with rest of the world!

the entire project, start to finish (research, mockups, and final phase), took about a month to complete. it may seem like a long time, but for some students they wish they could have some more time to work on this to be able to get it 'perfect'. I don't blame them as there was a lot to learn and experiment with. it didn't help that some of the resources were only available when they were in class and not able to be taken home.        

i will admit that some people really struggled with this at first because it was a lot different than what they were used to. initially many materials and concepts were foreign to them. they weren't expecting so much work, especially with the mockups. in the end, many appreciated that the mockups were done (i.e. finished). this gave them a chance to learn the properties of the materials and experiment without being too cautious. it also gave them a lot of practice towards getting the final phase looking polished and well crafted. 

another experience for the students was a realization of 'behind the scenes'. we often see the end product but not the steps taken to get there. and no, it's not necessary to see everything being made. but when there's a 'cool factor', we're curious, or want to learn a new skill, that's when these steps are more fascinating. we are often in a rush to get things done and finished the first time. however, this project was a reminder that being impatient is not a virtue. the hard and diligent work put forth by the students really helped them understand what it takes to have a good product in the end. i encourage everyone to continue on with the behind the scenes work, like mockups or sketches, to help you be continually proficient and a step ahead of everyone else. 

i am aware that some people resented the project (or even me) because all of the work and resources involved (and for things not going as planned). some people got a bit burned out too. sometimes i feel that way with my own work, but then i am always reminded that this will get me closer to a better end product. in the end, i know many students are proud of their projects and what they have accomplished. once in while when i run into former students one thing that they often mention how the final project was their favorite assignments (but not the extra work). 

to finish this off, I am excited to see everyone's journey from start to finish on this assignment. i also had some students express that they wanted to try something like this later on when they have more time.  if anyone from class has been documenting their progress on this project or intend to do so on future personal projects, feel free to share the progress with me and i'll be happy to include your work in future posts. 

well done class, well done!


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